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Aircraft: altittude, movement & combat modifiers

I'm currently working on adapting the Bayonet rules for use with 10mm figures. I've taken to calling this adaption Bayonet 10, and any addition to the rules are marked in brown text to differentiate them from the regular 28mm rules. Currently I'm looking at adding aircraft to the games as something more than just a exotic one-off feature.

To deal with the third dimension of the battle ground, a status dice will indicate one of six alttitude brackets within which each aircraft is operating. Each alttitude bracket grants its own combat modifiers for attacking ground targets and defense modifiers against anti-aircraft ground fire.

1 ~ 12cm (20m) +4 Guns & rockets only

2 ~ 36cm (60m) +3 All weapons

3 ~ 72cm (120m) +3 All weapons

4 ~ 144cm (240m) +2 Bombs only

5 ~ 288cm (480m) +1 Bombs only

6 ~ 576cm (960m) +0 Bombs only

Dive bombing – Aircraft must be capable of performing an actual dive attack. Aircraft positions itself over target at high altitude then in the attack round, dives at a high degree. During the dive, the pilot has a +1 bonus for aiming the payload onto the target (this is the main advantageof dive bombing over conventional bombing). The dive determines the cross tabletop momentum by the range factor of the bomb in the subsequent moment round.

Agility. add, or subtract modifiers for skill. Agility replaces Physical on the vehicle crib stat sheets. Agility determines off-table dog fighting and will probably function in much the same way as Physical does.

0 Slow heavy bomber/transport (Junkers Ju-52)

+1 Fast heavy bomber/ transport (Heinkel He-111, Ilyushin DB-3)

+2 WW1 Biplane fighter, small fast interwar bomber (Polikarpov R-5, Stuka, Heinkel K-34),

+3 Interwar biplane fighter (Fury, He-51, Boeing P12)/early war twin engine (Beaufighter)

+4 Intermediary early war fighters (Hurricane, Polikarpov I-16)

+5 High performance early war fighter (Spitfire, Bf-109)

+6 High performance late war fighter/ Rocketman

Aircraft bomb classifications – work in progress

Combine the weight of all ordinance dropped to determine explosive yield/combat modifier and area effect.

Attack is determined by combining Combat modifier, alttitude and dice roll.

Weight / Combat modifier / Type / Area effect in cm (initial blast radius)

~ 50kg / 110Ib / +6 / HE / 2

~ 100kg / 220Ib / +6 / HE / 3

~ 250kg / 550Ib / +7 / HE / 4

~ 500kg / 1,100Ib / +7 / HE / 5

~ 1,000kg / 2,200Ib / +8 / HE / 6

~ 2,000kg / 4,400Ib / +8 / HE / 7

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